Wisdom teeth — who needs ‘em? For most people, the answer is a resounding “Not me!” These third molars don’t always need to be extracted, but when they do, having the procedure completed promptly is important for your oral and overall health. We are pleased to offer free consultations to help you determine whether or not you should proceed with removal. Keep reading to learn more about third molars and what you can expect from an extraction procedure from Dr. John White.
John White DDS
FREE Consultation for Wisdom Teeth Removals
October 12, 2017
Local Dentist Says Preventive Care Protects the Whole Body!
September 7, 2017
Everyone knows that they’re supposed to brush their teeth every day and visit their dentist at least once a year (if you didn’t know, now you do!). It’s also a general rule to floss your teeth once a day and fit in at least one round of mouth-washing before bedtime.
Besides preventing minor dental problems like cavities or the beginning of tooth decay, brushing and flossing your teeth can keep you healthy in a bunch of other ways. Your dentist is here to scare you straight when it comes to maintaining excellent dental health.
Your Dentist Warns: Brushing Regularly Isn’t Enough
August 13, 2017
Brushing your teeth regularly is one of the cornerstones of an effective oral hygiene routine. You want to keep those pearly whites in good shape so you can continue to dazzle others with your brilliant smile and winning personality. However, brushing by itself isn’t enough to ensure good oral health. Your dentist in Asheville is here to warn you about some common mistakes that could be harming your teeth.
When Should You Think About Wisdom Teeth Extractions in Asheville?
July 12, 2017
Since the 1600s, the third molars have been referred to as “teeth of wisdom.” They adopted their modern name, wisdom teeth, in the 1800s. They earned their title because they appear later in life than other teeth, when a person is supposedly “wiser” than they were in their youth. However, while these teeth might have a fun name, perhaps the wisest thing to do with them is consider wisdom teeth extractions in Asheville.
Dentist in Asheville Finds Your Perfect Color with Easyshade V
June 10, 2017
How many times have you received a dental crown or veneer that caused an eyesore because it did not match the color of your natural teeth? Now, you can get the perfect shade with VITA Easyshade V with Dr. John White. This advanced shade matching tool allows Dr. White to create restorations, veneers, and prosthetics with reliable accuracy. As the most precise shade-taking device on the market, your dentist in Asheville will find your appropriate color in a matter of seconds.
Asheville Dentist Discusses the Benefits of Xylitol
May 6, 2017
Here! Have a piece of gum! Bet you never expected to hear that from a dentist. Asheville dentist Dr. John White routinely encourages his patients—especially young children—to chew gum with Xylitol. In fact, we have a box full of different flavors for you to choose after your appointment. Read on to learn about the oral health benefits of Xylitol.
When to Contact Your Emergency Dentist in Asheville
April 14, 2017
Your tooth feels sensitive, but it doesn’t hurt all the time. Ibuprofen usually stops the pain, so should you call your dentist? Sometimes it’s hard to tell if you have a dental emergency or not. Dr. John White, your emergency dentist in Ashville says that a good rule of thumb is to call us anyway! While you may have a condition that doesn’t require immediate attention, you should probably schedule an appointment to take care of it. Or it may be that you are indeed experiencing an emergency and we should see you right away. Here are some common emergency situations and tips for handling them.
Your Dentist in Asheville Is Two Steps Ahead in Technology
March 23, 2017
Prevention is the key to great dental care. That means taking care of your teeth and gums at home as well as visiting your dentist in Asheville regularly. Just simple brushing and flossing can contain the spread of infections, dangerous bacteria, and even worse—tooth decay—for so long. Now more than ever, the office of John White, DDS can help you prevent these pesky dental issues. Our dental team takes pride in staying up to date with modern dental technology. We now have an advanced laser cavity detection machine, the DIAGNOdent Classic, that will take your dental cleanings and checkups to the next level.
Your Dentist in Asheville Is Two Steps Ahead in Technology
March 22, 2017
Prevention is the key to great dental care. That means taking care of your teeth and gums at home as well as visiting your dentist in Asheville regularly. Just simple brushing and flossing can contain the spread of infections, dangerous bacteria, and even worse—tooth decay—for so long. Now more than ever, the office of John White can help you prevent these pesky dental issues. Our dental team takes pride in staying up to date with modern dental technology. We now have advanced laser cavity detection machine, the DIAGNOdent Classic, that will take your dental cleanings and checkups to the next level.
Revolutionary Restoratives: Dental Crowns in Asheville!
February 23, 2017
Undergoing a dental procedure can be an uplifting experience for patients with cracked or broken teeth! Meet Emily, a young woman who wanted to celebrate six years of sobriety by fixing her genetically flawed smile. After placing just temporary dental crowns while her permanent restorations were made, she stated, “even just wearing the temporaries was life-changing. For the first time in years, I wasn’t afraid to smile with my mouth open.” Finally, her permanent crowns were installed. Her final statement concluded that, “Your teeth affect your life every day, they’re a key part of the initial impression you make on others. And for me, for years, they had been quietly making me feel ashamed every time I opened my mouth…Not only do I have so many more amazing things in my life, but I have some integrity today, and some respect for myself. One of the things I learned in recovery is that ‘esteemable’ actions build self-esteem.” Do you find yourself relating to Emily? Her story is truly amazing! Be revolutionary and take an “esteemable action.” Get dental crowns in Asheville! (more…)