Undergoing a dental procedure can be an uplifting experience for patients with cracked or broken teeth! Meet Emily, a young woman who wanted to celebrate six years of sobriety by fixing her genetically flawed smile. After placing just temporary dental crowns while her permanent restorations were made, she stated, “even just wearing the temporaries was life-changing. For the first time in years, I wasn’t afraid to smile with my mouth open.” Finally, her permanent crowns were installed. Her final statement concluded that, “Your teeth affect your life every day, they’re a key part of the initial impression you make on others. And for me, for years, they had been quietly making me feel ashamed every time I opened my mouth…Not only do I have so many more amazing things in my life, but I have some integrity today, and some respect for myself. One of the things I learned in recovery is that ‘esteemable’ actions build self-esteem.” Do you find yourself relating to Emily? Her story is truly amazing! Be revolutionary and take an “esteemable action.” Get dental crowns in Asheville! (more…)